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Important changes to Twitter data source connectors

What's happening

Due to Twitter changing its API pricing policies, Supermetrics Twitter data source connectors are going through some changes. The Twitter Ads data source connector isn't affected by this change and will remain as is.

  • A new X Organic (Twitter) data source connector is introduced to replace Twitter Premium. We encourage all Twitter Premium users to move their queries to use the new Twitter Organic data source connector, introduced on May 11, 2023. 
  • As of June 27, 2024, the Twitter Premium data source connector has been deprecated.
  • The X Public Data (Twitter) data source connector remains available, but due to Twitter policy changes, it's required that our customers purchase an additional Twitter API subscription from Twitter directly. The required subscription starts from 100 USD per month. 

Changes to Twitter Premium and X Public Data (Twitter) come into effect on May 31, 2023.

What you need to do

X Public Data (Twitter)

The X Public Data (Twitter) data source connector will move to a model where our customers need to use their own API developer app and have their own Twitter API subscription. With this subscription, you can fetch up to 10,000 Tweets per month. Learn how to set up the developer account for Twitter to keep using the Twitter Public Data data source connector.

The required subscription starts from 100 USD per month. You need to purchase this subscription from Twitter directly. If you decide not to subscribe to the Twitter API, the X Public Data (Twitter) data source connector will stop working on May 31, 2023.

Twitter Premium


Twitter Premium is no longer supported as of June 27, 2024. If you want to keep pulling data from X (Twitter), you can start using our X Organic (Twitter) data source connector.

If you've previously used Twitter Premium and want to keep pulling your organic Twitter data to your reports, you can start using our new X Organic (Twitter) data source connector. We suggest all Twitter Premium users move to X Organic (Twitter) before the end of May 2023.

X Organic (Twitter)

Our new X Organic (Twitter) data source connector covers the use case of organic data previously provided by Twitter Premium. All current Twitter Premium license holders will get access to this connector automatically.

Connecting to X Organic (Twitter) requires you to have a Twitter Ads account tied to your Twitter profile. Learn how to set up the Twitter Ads account for your Twitter profile and connect Supermetrics to X Organic (Twitter).

You can replicate your existing Twitter Premium queries using the query types in Twitter Organic:

  • The Profile info query type in X Organic (Twitter) provides the same functionality as the Common profile information query type in Twitter Premium:
    • Follower and tweet amount for your profile
  • The tweet engagements query type in X Organic (Twitter) provides the same functionality as the Tweet engagements query type in Twitter Premium:
    • Basic engagement metrics for tweets created in the past 90 days

Tweet historical query type isn't yet available in X Organic (Twitter).

We're here for you

If you have any questions or concerns about this change, contact our support team.

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