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Important changes to Google Analytics 4

What's happening

On December 1, 2022, updates to Google Analytics 4 introduced incompatibility between a range of dimensions and metrics. Queries that use these fields together after December 1 won't work — read this article to learn about how to work with these changes.

What you need to do

Google's update impacted three dimension types: item-scoped, attribution, and query string. Any queries that use these dimensions — including any Supermetrics Custom Fields based on them — must be updated.

Attribution and query string dimensions became incompatible on December 1, 2022. Item-scoped dimensions became incompatible on February 7, 2023.

Learn about changes you need to make for each dimension type below, or see the full list of impacted fields.

Update January 19, 2024

Incompatibility with query string dimensions was resolved in January 2024, and the query string dimensions are again compatible with most of the fields. Learn more in Google's API changelog.

Attribution dimensions

The update switched Google Analytics 4 from a generic, event-based attribution model to a model with two alternatives:

  • "First user" source: The first source of contact of a user
  • "Session" source: The last source of contact before a session

If your queries use the attribution dimensions and metrics listed below, replace them with either their "First user" or "Session" equivalent.

Query string dimensions

Starting December 1, it's no longer possible to get a full URL with a query string (for example, with any other field combination other than the ones below.

If you use any of these, replace them with the "Page path without query string" dimension. This will return the page path without the query string (for example,

Item-scoped dimensions

Remove any item-scoped dimensions that will become incompatible with the event-scoped metrics listed below. 

You don't need to make any changes to queries that combine item-scoped dimensions with fields other than event-scoped metrics.

If you're using a data warehouse

We've updated the Standard schema to remove all fields impacted by this change.

The older version of the schema has been renamed STANDARD_ARCHIVED20221201. Switch from this to the Standard schema to keep your queries running.

See a full list of all tables in the Standard schema.

Incompatible fields

The following fields became incompatible. Any queries that use them together won't work. Find a full description for any field in our technical documentation.

Attribution dimensions with event-scoped metrics

The dimensions in the table below — including any Custom Fields based on them — are incompatible with the metrics in the table that follows.

IDDisplay Name
campaignIdEvent campaign ID
campaignNameEvent campaign name
Conversion default channel grouping
googleAdsAccountNameEvent Google Ads account name
googleAdsAdGroupIdGoogle Ads ad group ID
googleAdsAdGroupNameGoogle Ads ad group name
googleAdsAdNetworkTypeEvent ad network type
googleAdsCampaignIDGoogle Ads campaign ID
googleAdsCampaignNameGoogle Ads campaign name
googleAdsCampaignTypeGoogle Ads campaign type
googleAdsCreativeIdGoogle Ads creative ID
googleAdsCustomerIdGoogle Ads customer ID
googleAdsKeywordGoogle Ads keyword text
googleAdsQueryGoogle Ads query
mediumEvent medium
sourceEvent source
sourcePlatformSource platform

The dimensions above are incompatible with the following metrics as of December 1:

IDDisplay Name
adUnitExposureAd unit exposure
averagePurchaseRevenueAverage purchase revenue
eventCountEvent count
eventsPerUserEvents per user
eventsPerSessionEvents per session
firstTimePurchasersPerNewUserFirst-time purchasers per new user
itemListClicksItem list clicks
itemListViewsItem list views
itemViewsItem views
newUsersNew users
itemPromotionClicksItem promotion clicks
itemPromotionViewsItem promotion views
publisherAdClicksPublisher ad clicks
publisherAdImpressionsPublisher ad impressions
screenPageViewsPerSessionViews per session
shippingAmountShipping amount
taxAmountTax amount
transactionsPerPurchaserTransactions per purchaser
userEngagmentDurationTotal user engagement duration (sec)
Query string dimensions

The dimensions in the table below — including any Custom Fields based on them — are only available with the metrics in the table that follows.

IDDisplay Name
pagePathPage path
unifiedPageScreenPage path, query string, and screen class
pageLocationPage location
fullPageUrlFull page URL
Landing page

The dimensions above are only available with the following metrics as of December 1:

IDDisplay Name
activeUsersActive users
countryIsoCodeCountry code
engagedSessionsEngaged sessions
eventCountEvent count
eventNameEvent name
fullPageUrlFull page URL
hostNameHost name
pageLocationPage location
pagePathPage path
pageTitlePage title
totalUsersTotal users
unifiedPageScreenPage path, query string, and screen class
userEngagementDurationToal user engagement duration (sec)
Item-scoped dimensions with event-scoped metrics

In early 2023, the dimensions in the table below became incompatible with the metrics in the table that follows.

IDDisplay Name
itemAffiliationItem affiliation
itemBrandItem brand
itemCategoryItem category
itemCategory2Item category 2
itemCategory3Item category 3
itemCategory4Item category 4
itemCategory5Item category 5
itemIDItem ID
itemListIDItem list ID
itemListNameItem list name
itemNameItem name
itemPromotionCreativeNameItem promotion creative name
itemPromotionIDItem promotion ID
itemPromotionNameItem promotion name
itemVariantItem variant

The dimensions above are incompatible with the following metrics starting in early 2023:

Display Name
adUnitExposureAd unit exposure
averagePurchaseRevenueAverage purchase revenue
eventCountEvent count
eventsPerUserEvents per user
eventValueEvent value
eventsPerSessionEvents per session
firstTimePurchasersPerNewUserFirst-time purchasers per new user
itemListClicksItem list clicks
itemListViewsItem list views


Item purchase quantity


Item revenue
itemViewsItem views
newUsersNew users
itemPromotionClicksItem promotion clicks
itemPromotionViewsItem promotion views
publisherAdClicksPublisher ad clicks
publisherAdImpressionsPublisher ad impressions
purchaseRevenuePurchase revenue
sceenPageViewsPerSessionViews per session
shippingAmountShipping amount
taxAmountTax amount


Ad revenue


transactionsPerPurchaserTransactions per purchaser
userEngagmentDurationTotal user engagement duration (sec)

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