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How to use Supermetrics custom fields with data blending

You can use Supermetrics custom fields together with the data blending feature to create flexible custom fields across multiple data sources, and then match them with each other using data blending. Learn more about data blending and how to create and manage blends.

To use custom fields together with data blending, first make sure that you have custom fields for the data sources you want to blend, and then configure the actual blend that will use the new custom field. This guide will walk you through each step to get your data blend set up.

Third-party custom fields

You can also use third-party custom fields in data blending. If you have, for example, created a custom conversion event in Google Analytics 4, you can use that custom field in your data blend in Supermetrics. See the list below for the availability of third-party custom fields.

Data sources that support third-party custom fields
  • Adjust
  • Adobe Analytics
  • Adobe Analytics 2.0'
  • AppsFlyer
  • Facebook Ads
  • Google Ad Manager
  • Google Analytics 4
  • Google Search Ads 360
  • Hubspot
  • Klaviyo
  • Mailchimp
  • Optimizely
  • Pardot
  • Piano Analytics (AT Internet)
  • Salesforce

Use cases for custom fields and data blending

Take a look at this list of example problems that can be solved by using custom fields and data blending in tandem.

Enhanced ROI tracking


I can measure ROI on Google Ads and Facebook Ads separately but don't have an easy way to see the ROI from all my ad spend together.

Solution using custom fields with data blending:

I can define an ROI custom field for each platform and blend them together, allowing me to see a unified view of ROI across all advertising channels.

Unified customer engagement metrics


I track different kinds of engagement metrics across platforms—clicks on one, likes and shares on another. I want a unified way to measure engagement.

Solution using custom fields with data blending:

I can create a custom field that calculates a unified engagement score on each platform. Blending these custom fields allows me to see an aggregated engagement score for all my campaigns.

Multi-platform customer segmentation


I want to identify and tag high-value customers but each platform has its own set of metrics and data. I wish I could see this information unified across all platforms.

Solution using custom fields with data blending:

I can create a custom field that tags users as "High-Value" based on my criteria in each platform, then blend these fields to get an overarching view of high-value customers across platforms.

Custom time-period analysis


My marketing campaigns don't align with standard calendar months. I want to analyze performance based on the specific dates that the campaigns ran.

Solution using custom fields with data blending:

I can use custom fields to mark the specific periods of each campaign in individual platforms. By blending these custom fields, I can easily analyze performance based on my custom time periods across multiple platforms.

Handling currency conversions


I have global campaigns running, and dealing with revenue in multiple currencies is a hassle. I want to see all my revenue data in a single currency for easier analysis.

Solution using custom fields with data blending:

I can use custom fields to convert the revenue data into a common currency within each platform. Blending these custom fields provides me with revenue data unified in a single currency.


Step 1: Create new custom field

  1. Go to the Supermetrics Hub.
  2. In the left sidebar, select TransformCustom fields.
  3. Select the field type, data source, and type of transformation to apply to the custom field. You can use functions, lookups, and conditions in custom fields.
  4. Give your custom field a descriptive name.
  5. Click Create custom field.

You can see your custom field in the list of available custom fields. 

Step 2: Create new data blend

  1. On the Supermetrics Hub, select TransformData blending.
  2. Click Create new blend.
  3. Select the data sources to use in your blend, and click Continue to configuration.
  4. Select the accounts for your data sources, and click Continue to overview.
  5. Give your data blend a name.
  6. Click Create blend, and then Review blended fields.

Step 3: Add custom field to the data blend

In the data blend review view, add your custom field as a new field to the blend, or replace an existing field with it.

  • To add a new field:
    1. Scroll down to the list of fields, and click Add field.
    2. Enter the name of your custom field, and click Add fields.
    3. If you want to blend the custom field with other data sources, add the field to blend with, and give the blended field a descriptive name.
    4. Click Save field.
  • To replace a field with your custom field:
    1. Select the field you want to replace.
    2. Click the x icon next to the field name to remove the old field.
    3. Start typing the name of your custom field, and select it when it appears.
    4. Click Save field.

Your data blend with your custom field is now ready to use! Next, find your data blend in your destination and use it in your reporting.

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