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Google Display & Video 360 report building guide

Use Google Display & Video 360 to get a complete overview of your ad campaign data by reporting campaign, budget, and performance statistics. You can pull data such as trueview, video, campaign, advertiser data, and budget.

For a full list of metrics and dimensions available in our Google Display & Video 360 data source connector, take a look at our Google Display & Video 360 documentation.

Once you’ve connected to Google Display & Video 360, you’re ready to create your first queries!

Try these queries

See the following use cases for examples on how to use the metrics and dimensions. 

See clicks, impressions, and revenue by date

Take a look at what sort of actions your ads got last week. In this example, we look at the impressions, clicks, and revenue gained by your ads.

The "Impressions" metric shows the number of impressions served, and the "Clicks" metric shows the number of times a user has clicked on an ad. The "Revenue" metric shows the revenue. 

For best results in Looker Studio, use the bar chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Last week.
  2. Select the Clicks, Impressions, and Revenue metrics.
  3. Select the Date dimension to split the query results by date.

See revenue and total conversions

Explore a view of your revenue and total conversions. 

The "Total conversions" metric shows the sum of all post-view and post-click conversions. The "Revenue" metric shows the revenue.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the time series chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Last 28 days.
  2. Select the Revenue and Total conversions metrics. 
  3. Select the Date dimension to split the query results by date.

See media cost per insertion order

Take a look at your ad spend for ads with different insertion orders. In this example, we query this data from the past month.

The "Media cost" metric shows the raw cost for impressions purchased from an exchange. The "Insertion order" dimension shows the name of the insertion order.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the table or bar chart type.

  1. Set the date range to This month to date.
  2. Select the Media cost metric.
  3. Select the Insertion order dimension to split the query results by insertion order.

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