Use the X Organic (Twitter) data source connector to see how your follower base evolves and which Tweets perform the best. You can compare the data from the X Organic data source with your X Ads (Twitter) data to see how engagement for campaigns and organic posts differs.
For a full list of metrics and dimensions available in our X Organic (Twitter) data source connector, take a look at our X Organic (Twitter) documentation.
Once you've connected to X Organic, you're ready to create your first queries!
Query types for this data source
When connecting to the X Organic data source, you must select a query type to use. The query type defines what sort of metrics and dimensions are available.
- Profile info: Follower and Tweet amount for your profile
- Tweet engagements: Basic engagement metrics for tweets created in the past 90 days. Note that the values for tweets are lifetime values and not values for the selected date range.
Note that if you need to use multiple query types in your Looker Studio report, you'll need to create separate connectors for each query type you use.
Try these queries
See the following use cases for examples on how to use the metrics and dimensions.
See impressions and engagement for your latest tweets
Take a look at how your most recent Tweets are doing. In this example, we check the impressions and engagements of the Tweets published in the past 7 days.
Use the Tweet engagements query type.
The "Impressions" metric shows the total number of impressions. The "Engagements" metric shows the total number of engagements.
For best results in Looker Studio, use the table chart type.
- Select the Impressions and Engagement metrics.
- Select the Created date, Tweet URL, and Tweet text dimensions to get the Tweet details to the report.
See audience engagement
Explore how your audience has responded to your Tweet. In this example, we take a look at the engagements, impressions, likes, clicks, replies, and retweets for the past 28 days.
Use the Tweet engagements query type.
The "Engagements" metric shows the total number of engagements. The "Clicks" metric shows the total number of clicks, including favorites and other engagements. The "Impressions" metric shows the total number of impressions. The "Likes" metric shows the total number of likes. The "Replies" metric shows the total number of replies. The "Retweets" metric shows the number of retweets.
For best results in Looker Studio, use the table chart type.
- Set the date range to Last 28 days.
- Select the Engagements, Clicks, Impressions, Likes, Replies, and Retweets metrics.
- Select the Created date, Tweet text, and Tweet URL to split the query results by Tweet details.
See profile followers
Display a number of profile followers on your report.
Use the Profile info query type.
The "Followers" metric shows the total number of followers the user has.
For best results in Looker Studio, use the scorecard chart type.
- Select the Followers metric.
- Select the Date dimension.
See profile lifetime details
Add profile lifetime details to your report.
Use the Profile info query type.
The "Favourites" metric shows the total lifetime number of favourites the user has. The "Followers" metric shows the total number of followers the user has. The "Following" metric shows the total number of friends the user has. The "Lists" metric shows the number of public lists that this user is a member of. The "Tweets" metric shows the total lifetime number of tweets the user has published.
For best results in Looker Studio, use the table chart type.
- Select the Favourites, Followers, Following, Lists, and Tweets metrics.
- Select the Account name and Account ID dimensions.
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