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How to fix authentication issues in X Organic (Twitter)

This guide helps you solve authentication issues when using our X Organic (Twitter) data source connector. Follow this guide if your accounts are not showing up after authentication or you see the following error message:

  • TWO_PROFILE_20240319: Error: X Organic (Twitter) failure (Bad Request: This ads account 123123 does not have access to tweets.

In this guide, we use the following terminology. Familiarize yourself with these terms before reading on.

  • The X account or actual X account refers to the X account that posts the Tweets for which you want to pull the analytics data.
  • The authenticating account or reporter account refers to the account that you use to authenticate your connection to the X Organic data source.
  • We also talk about an X ad account or Ad account, which is an X Ads account that handles ads on X.

To pull data from X Organic, your account must meet the following requirements, which we'll cover in detail in this article. Note that the 4 steps below are a simplification — you'll need to read the entire article to be sure that all necessary steps are taken:

  1. The actual X account has to be completed and approved.
  2. An X Ads account has to be created for the actual X account (if one does not already exist).
  3. If not authenticating using the credentials of the actual X account, the reporter account will need access to the actual X account through the Ad account added to it.
  4. To complete the Ad account, a premium subscription is needed.


Step 1: Requirements for the actual X account

Completed account

The actual X account must be complete with the following details.

  • Profile picture
  • Background picture
  • Bio with a functional URL to a website
  • Location

Learn more about eligibility for X Ads.

X Premium package

The actual X account must be subscribed to the Premium package in X, which gives access to advanced analytics, makes the account eligible for running Ads, and indexes the tweets posted by the account.

For Tweets to be reported via Supermetrics, they need to be indexed. Only Tweets from accounts that have a Premium subscription will be indexed.

If you have a premium subscription, but you're still missing Tweets, check if they're indexed or not. To find all indexed Tweets from X Ads, go to CreativesPosts (or Tweets), and under Posts, select Organic.

If your account is verified and complete, but your Tweets don't appear in the list of organic Tweets, please contact X support to investigate the issue further.

Step 2: Requirements for the X Ads account

An X Ads account must be created for the actual X account for which you'll report the Tweet analytics. If an X Ads account does not yet exist, log in to the X Ads portal to create it. Follow this guide to create the X Ads account.

Once the X Ads account has been created, double-check that:

  • You have a country and a time zone set for your X Ads account.
  • You have set up a campaign and an ad and added your billing information. Billing information is required, but you can stop the campaign before any costs are incurred.
  • If you weren't forced to add tax information to the Ad account while creating the campaign, you must do so now in X Ads. Click your account name at the top, and go to Account settingsTax information.

Step 3: Requirements for the authenticating X account

Finally, to report the analytics from the actual X account using the X Organic connector, you'll need access to the actual X account. There are two options:

  • You own the actual X account → You have the login credentials of the account. Use the credentials to authenticate your connection to the X Organic data source.
  • You don't own the actual X account → You need to request access via the X Ad account linked to the actual X account with the following permissions:
    • Access level required: Administrator or Campaign analyst
    • Add the option "Can compose promotable Tweets"

Connecting to X Organic

If the steps above are followed carefully and the permissions are set according to the instructions, authenticating the X Organic connector should now succeed, and Tweet reporting should work.

If you're still having issues, please contact our support team and let the agent know that you have followed this guide. In your support ticket, share screenshots to showcase that all the steps have been completed — this will save time in the troubleshooting process.

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