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How to fix authentication errors in Supermetrics

When you're authenticating a data source in Supermetrics, you might encounter these errors:

  • Authentication failed.  
  • You need to reauthenticate at [data source] and then run the query again.

If this happens, follow the instructions below to diagnose and solve the issue.


Reauthenticate or renew the connection

One of the fastest ways to solve these errors is to renew the connection between Supermetrics and the data source triggering the error. When you're doing this, you should also check that your account's user role has the right permissions for the data source you're using.

When you're ready, reauthenticate the data source to renew the connection.

If reauthenticating doesn't solve the error, refresh your account list instead.

Check multi-account logins

Like many third-party applications, Supermetrics can encounter issues when the browser you're using is logged into more than one Google Account.

Follow these instructions to learn how to manage Supermetrics and multiple Google Accounts.

Clear your browser's cache and cookies

Clearing your browser's cache and cookies can help to remove stale permissions that might cause errors when authenticating in Supermetrics.

Your browser's documentation should have instructions on how to do this. Here's documentation for a few common browsers:

Destination troubleshooting

If the error persists, it might be because the error is being triggered in your data destination. Follow the steps below for the product you're using with Supermetrics.

Google Sheets

  1. Open the SupermetricsQueries tab.
  2. Find the row(s) for your data source's failing queries. Delete the query ID value in that row.
  3. Scroll to the far right and delete the row's value in the "Refresh with user account" column.
  4. In the Home tab of the Supermetrics sidebar, scroll down to Templates and workflow, and click Refresh all queries.

Looker Studio

  1. Reauthenticate the data source.
  2. Log out from the data source platform and reconnect.


  1. Switch to Excel Online.
  2. Clear the Microsoft Excel app cache.

 Follow these steps to solve the No queries found error.

The Your administrator has not installed Web Add-ins for your organization error often means that your Microsoft Office 365 system administrator has disabled an option that allows users to install add-ons. To fix this error, contact your system administrator to talk about your account’s permissions.

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