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About Supermetrics advanced settings for Google Sheets

Supermetrics includes a wide variety of advanced settings for Google Sheets.

Add any advanced setting to your query by navigating to Options in the Google Sheets sidebar and then adding the setting to the Advanced settings field.

If you're using multiple advanced settings at once, separate each one with a comma with no whitespace on either side (,).

Note that these settings may not work with all data source connectors.

Advanced settingDescription
APPEND_RESULTSCombine new data with old data without updating the old results, and add a "Fetch data" column. Learn more about the APPEND_RESULTS setting.

Replace blank or null values with zeroes.

This setting is also available as the Replace blank metric values with zeros checkbox.

DATES_NOTEDisplays the query date range (and comparison date range, if used) above the results table.

Example: DATE RANGE: 2024-12-01 to 2024-12-31
DIMENSIONS_MAX_LENGTH_XShorten dimension values to X length.
Prevent Google Sheets from applying any automatic formatting.
Display all campaigns with zero impressions in Google Ads, including ads that aren’t yet active.
Store old results even when a newer query refresh includes an error.

This setting is also available as the Keep previous results on refresh error checkbox.
Remove dimensions from results.
Facebook Ads only: Remove row headers in queries that don’t include dimensions.
Store queries even if they don’t return data.
RETURN_ZEROS_WHEN_NO_DATAWill return "0" instead of "No data found" when a query doesn't find data. Note that this setting may not work with all connectors.
Round numbers to the decimal point you want. Replace “X” with your chosen value.

For example, ROUND_METRICS_TO_4 will give results in the format 12,3456 instead of the usual 12,35.
SKIP_QUERY_REFRESHDisables query refresh (either manual refresh or with a scheduled refresh).
Store queries that contain errors.
Allows replacing the dimension "m-y" with the format that you want.

With "m-y" the result will be 12-24, which is December 24.

If you change the setting to TIME_DIMENSION_FORMAT_M d Y the result will be Dec 24 2024.

Learn more about this setting and when to use it.


Show the start date of a month or week.

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