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Apple Public Data report building guide

Use the Apple Public Data data source connector to check how many reviews and what kind of ratings an app on the App Store has received. You can also create an overview dashboard to analyze the reviews and ratings over time.

For a full list of metrics and dimensions available in our Apple Public Data data source connector, take a look at our Apple Public Data documentation.

Once you’ve connected to Apple Public Data, you’re ready to create your first queries!

Query types for this data source

When connecting to the Apple Public Data data source, you need to select a query type. The query type defines what sort of metrics and dimensions are available.

Apple Public Data query types
  • App store
    • App Store search
    • App Store reviews
    • Top App Store apps
  • Books
    • Audiobook search
    • Book search
    • Top audiobooks
    • Top books
  • Music
    • Music search
    • Top Apple Music
    • Top iTunes Music
    • Top music videos
  • TV
    • Movie search
    • Short film search
    • TV show search
    • Top movies
    • Top TV shows
    • Top short films
  • Podcasts
    • Podcast search
    • Top podcasts
  • Other
    • Top iTunes U courses

Try these queries

See the following use cases for examples on how to use the metrics and dimensions.

See average ratings

Take a look at the average ratings for an app in the App Store.

Use the "App Store reviews" query type.

The "Average rating" metric shows the average of ratings given.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the time series chart type.

  1. Select the App store reviews query type and specify the keywords or app ID for searching apps. 
  2. Set the date range to Year to date.
  3. Select the Average rating metric.

See reviews and ratings

View the review content and ratings for an app. 

Use the "App Store reviews" query type.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the table chart type.

  1. Select the App Store reviews query type and specify the keywords or app ID for searching apps.
  2. Set the date range to Year to date.
  3. Select the Review content and Rating dimensions to pull the review text along with the rating.

See number of ratings

Take a look at how the ratings are distributed on a 1-5 scale.

Use the "App Store reviews" query type.

The "Ratings" metric shows the number of ratings given.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the bar chart type.

  1. Select the App Store reviews query type and specify the keywords or app ID for searching apps.
  2. Set the date range to Year to date.
  3. Select the Ratings metric.
  4. Select the Rating dimension to split the query results by rating.

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