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Moz: Permissions guide

You can use your own Moz API key to fetch data with Supermetrics.

Doing this enables you to fetch more than 200 rows of data, improve performance, and avoid quota issues.


Note that you might have access to correct-looking Access ID and Secret Key parameters, but you might still need to sign up separately to be an API user. Look into Moz's API key documentation to enable your credentials.

Google Sheets

  1. Open the Supermetrics sidebar.
  2. Select a Moz query, and click the pencil icon to edit it.
  3. Go to Options.
  4. In the Advanced settings field, add APIKEY_XXX&YYYY, replacing “XXX” with your Access ID, and “YYYY” with your Secret key.

Looker Studio (formerly Data Studio)

  1. Click on any report element to open the Supermetrics pane.
  2. Click the Edit icon next to Moz to open its configuration page.
  3. Click Edit connection.
  4. Go to the Your Moz API key (optional) field.
  5. Enter your Access ID, followed by your Secret key, with an ampersand (&) between them, and no spaces.

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