If something’s gone wrong with your team or license’s registration, you might encounter one of these error messages:
- Your trial has expired. Purchase a license at https://purchasing.supermetrics.com
- Your license has expired. Renew your license at https://hub.supermetrics.com/licenses
Follow these steps if you see these errors in Looker Studio (formerly Data Studio).
- Verify your license is active and has been assigned to you.
- Make sure that you use the user account assigned to the license when you reauthenticate the data source. Make sure that you're in the correct team with a valid license.
- Remove all unused users — see Remove users tab.
- Reauthenticate to the correct data source account.
If you belong to multiple teams and the issue persists, we highly recommend that you merge teams.
Contact our support team for help if this error persists, or if you have any questions about it.