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How to configure an Amazon S3 destination

When you create an Amazon S3 bucket destination in the Supermetrics Hub, the configuration requires details that can be obtained from the AWS Management Console.

Before you begin

Before you create an Amazon S3 destination, please make sure all prerequisites are met. Learn more about the prerequisites for creating an Amazon S3 bucket destination.

About permissions

You may need specific permissions to access the details needed in the configuration. If you are unable to access some information, please contact your AWS admin.

About Amazon S3 configuration

The configuration stage of creating a new destination in the Supermetrics Hub includes the following fields.

  1. Display name will be used as the name of this destination within the Supermetrics Hub, to distinguish it from other destinations.
  2. Bucket name refers to the name of the Amazon S3 bucket you want to use as a destination.
  3. Upload path refers to the folder structure you want to use within your destination bucket.
    • If the specified folder structure already exists, your data will be transferred based on the specified path. If a matching folder structure does not yet exist, a data transfer will create a new folder structure based on this path.
  4. Region code refers to the region your S3 bucket is located in.
    • Find the region code in the AWS Management Console under Services → S3 next to the bucket name.
  5. Output format offers options for selecting a preferred output format for the data being transferred to this destination.
  6. Access key refers to the Access key ID that can be found in the AWS Management Console under My Security Credentials.
  7. Access secret refers to the secret access key that is connected to your access key ID.
    • Each access key you generate comes with both an access key ID and a corresponding secret access key.

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