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How to create and manage data blends

Follow these steps to create and modify data blends. Learn more about how the data blending feature works.

For more information about different types of blends and use cases for union blend and different kinds of join types, see About joins in data blending.


Create a data blend
  1. On the Supermetrics Hub, go to TransformData blending.
  2. Click Create new blend.
  3. Select the union or join type of blend and click Next step.
  4. Select your first data source and the accounts to use.
  5. Select the next data source and accounts.
  6. Select the fields to use in the blend for the data sources.
  7. After selecting all fields to be included, click Next step.
  8. For a join blend: Select the join key for your blend and join type, and click Next step.
  9. Give your blend a name and an optional description.
  10. Click Create blend.
  11. To return to your list of blends, click Go to the blend list view.
Modify data blend
  1. On the Supermetrics Hub, go to TransformData blending.
  2. In the list of data blends, click the blend you want to modify to open it.
  3. Modify your blend as required:
    • To customize the field mapping, click the pen icon next to the blended field name on the row you want to customize.
    • To add new fields to the blend, click Add fields below the data source name.
    • To remove fields from the list, click the trashcan icon next to the blended field name.
    • To change the data source accounts, click the cog icon next to the data source name, and modify the accounts used. Click Save changes once you're done.
Rename data blend
  1. On the Supermetrics Hub, go to TransformData blending.
  2. In the list of data blends, click the data blend you want to modify.
  3. Double-click the data blend’s name.
  4. Rename the blend and click enter to save the new name.
Change advanced settings for data sources in data blends

The advanced settings for data source connectors included in data blends, such as attribution settings for Facebook Ads or excluding invalid accounts, can be changed in the data blending setup on the Hub.

  1. On the Supermetrics Hub, go to TransformData blending.
  2. In the list of data blends, click the data blend you want to modify.
  3. Click the 3-dot icon next to the data source name, and select Edit configuration.
  4. Click Show advanced settings.
  5. Make the changes, and click Save changes.
Remove data source from blend
  1. On the Supermetrics Hub, go to TransformData blending.
  2. In the list of data blends, click the data blend you want to modify.
  3. Click the 3-dot icon next to the data source name, and select Remove data source.

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