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LinkedIn Company Pages report building guide

Use the LinkedIn Company Pages data source to track what content brings attention to your ads. Compare this data to data from LinkedIn Ads and other social media channels to see which campaigns work best.

For a full list of metrics and dimensions available in our LinkedIn Company Pages data source connector, take a look at our LinkedIn Company Pages documentation.

Once you’ve connected to LinkedIn Company Pages, you’re ready to create your first queries!

Query types for this data source

With the LinkedIn Company Pages data source, you need to select a query type. The query type defines what sort of metrics and dimensions are available. 

  • Follower details: Total number of followers for the page, as well as breakdowns of follower demographic types (industry, what job, what region, and so on).
  • Historical share statistics: Basic metrics for posts, shares, and updates, splittable by date (but not post ID).
  • Historical follow statistics: Follower metrics for new organic and sponsored followers for the page, splittable by date.
  • Page lifetime statistics: Page-specific stats for the lifetime of a page (page views, job page views, basic demographics) can't be split by date.
  • Page statistics: Page-specific stats of page (page views, job page views, and so on), splittable by date.
  • Share comments detail: Gets comment text details for shares, updates, posts, and share titles.
  • Share totals: Lifetime total metrics for shares on the company page. Can't be split by date or by share/post.
  • UGC details: Basic dimensions about post types not covered under “Update details” (posts that are not basic text posts, image posts, or shares), including name, link, and more. Includes update count metrics.
  • Update details: Details about updates, shares, posts (title, poster, URL, and so on), and basic metrics for updates.
  • Video analytics: Video view metrics for video-type UGC posts.

Note that if you need to use multiple query types in your Looker Studio report, you'll need to create separate connectors for each query type you use.

Try these queries

See the following use cases for examples of how to set up queries.

See the number of followers

Check how many followers your page has today.

Use the "Follower details" query type. 

The "Followers" metric shows the total number of followers.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the scorecard chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Today.
  2. Select the Followers metric.

See organic followers by industry

Take a look at which industries find your company interesting on LinkedIn.

Use the "Follower details" query type.

The "Organic followers" metric shows the number of organic followers — in other words, real people who follow your page.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the pie chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Last 28 days.
  2. Select the Organic followers metric.
  3. Select the Industry dimension to split the query results by industry.

See followers by company size

Check out details of what size of companies your followers work for.

Use the "Follower details" query type.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the bar chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Last 28 days.
  2. Select the Organic followers metric.
  3. Select the Company size dimension to split the query results by company size.

See reactions to your content

Take a look at how your audience has reacted to your page.

Use the "Historical share statistics" query type. 

The "Impressions" metric shows how often your page has been shown to the audience. 

The "Clicks" metric shows page clicks. The Comments metric shows the comments left on your page. 

The "Likes" metric shows how many likes your page has received. 

The "Shares" metric shows how many times your page has been shared by people.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the time series or table chart type.

  1. Set the date range to Last 28 days.
  2. Select the Impressions, Clicks, Comments, Likes, and Shares metrics.
  3. Select the Date dimension to split the query results by date.

See the popularity of your updates

Explore how people have reacted to your updates and what are the most popular updates on your LinkedIn page this month.

Use the "Update details" query type.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the table chart type.

  1. Set the date range to This month to date.
  2. Select the Shares, Comments, and Likes metrics.
  3. Select the Update title, Update URL, and Date dimensions to add columns for the update title, update URL, and publication date.

More resources

See the Supermetrics blog for tips and tricks for analyzing your LinkedIn performance.

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