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Pinterest Public Data report building guide

Use the Pinterest Public data to pull Pinterest public data such as pinner details, attribution, and board details. You can analyze the seasonal changes of popular boards and optimize your campaigns to fit the trend.

For a full list of metrics and dimensions available in our Pinterest Public Data data source connector, take a look at our Pinterest Public Data documentation.

Once you’ve connected to Pinterest Public Data, you’re ready to create your first queries!

Query types for this data source

When connecting to the Pinterest Public Data data source, you must select a query type to use. The query type defines what sort of metrics and dimensions are available.

  • Pinterest pins for URLs: A count of how many times a specific URL has been pinned
  • Pinterest user data: User information like account name, profile link, follower count, and more
  • Pinterest pins for users: Data on user pins, including Pin URL, image, description, and more

Try these queries

See the following use cases for examples on how to use the metrics and dimensions.

See follower count and pin count

Take a look at the follower count of Pinterest accounts. You can also fetch the account name and link.

Use the "Pinterest user data" query type.

The "Follower count" metric shows the number of followers the account has. 

The "Pin count" metric shows the number of pins the account has.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the table chart type.

  1. Select the Pinterest user data query type and insert the usernames to include in the query.
  2. Select the Follower count and Pin count metrics.
  3. Select the Name, About, and Link to profile dimensions to fetch these account details.

See times URL has been pinned

View how many times specific URLs, such as specific Pins have been pinned.

Use the Pinterest pins for URLs query type.

The "Times pinned" metric shows the number of times the URL has been pinned.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the table chart type.

  1. Select the Pinterest pins for URLs query type and insert the URLs to include in the query.
  2. Select the Times pinned metric.
  3. Select the URL dimension to split the query results by URL.

See data on boards by user

Take a look at the boards a Pinterest user has set up, and their follower, pin, and repin counts.

Use the "Pinterest pins for user" query type.

The "Board follower count" metric shows the number of people following the board. 

The "Board pin count" metric shows the number of Pins on the board. 

The "Repin count" metric shows the number of times the board has repinned content.

For best results in Looker Studio, use the table chart type.

  1. Select the Pinterest pins for user query type, and define the usernames and number of pins to fetch.
  2. Select the Board follower count, Board pin count, and Repin count metrics.
  3. Select the Board name, Board URL, Pinner about, Pinner full name, and Pinner profile URL dimensions to fetch these details.


Query runs very slowly

This error more commonly affects Sheets, as it allows for a larger row limit. Try reducing the number of rows to something below 300, or limit the number of usernames listed, to speed the query up.

No data overtime is available

This version of the API only shows lifetime totals for most metrics and you won't be able to report changes over time unless you use the "Combine new with old" feature in Google Sheets and run this every day to collect your own historical data. 

Discrepancies in board counts

The API allows a fetch of up to 50 pins per user — board data is derived from the pin data. This can mean that queries only return 50 pins even when more are requested, or why board data seems to be missing. 

Getting "no data" for username

The "display name" on a page may not be the correct one to use with their API. Make sure that you are using the true username as seen in the URL to their page on Pinterest:

Incompatible fields or quotas

If you see an error about metrics and dimensions not fetching together, or fields being incompatible, follow these steps to fix the issue.

If you see errors relating to quotas, or "daily query quotas", read this guide.

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