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About Supermetrics teams and user roles

Single-user licenses

This article doesn't apply to single-user licenses bought before summer 2021. Get in touch with us if you'd like to talk about your single-user license.

A Supermetrics license gives its assigned users permission — as either an Owner, Admin, or Editor — to access Supermetrics and connect their data to it.

We use the term team to describe a group of people who use Supermetrics under one license, and team member to refer to those people individually.

Team members can belong to multiple teams with different licenses. Any team they’re on needs to have a license to use Supermetrics before they can use it. 

A license can only belong to one team, and only that team's members can be added to it as license users.

User roles

Supermetrics has 3 team member roles. These roles only affect team management — they don't impact someone’s ability to use a license. 

Note that Admins can't adjust permissions for their team's Owners.

Team managementEdit team name   
Invite and remove team members   
Merge team   
License managementSee license details   
See license users   
Assign and remove license users   
Manage other users' data sources & accounts   
Manage your own data sources & accounts   
Billing & paymentsSee billing history   
Change auto-renewal   
Change credit card   
Extend license   

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