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How to convert currencies in Supermetrics

With Supermetrics, you can convert currencies in different ways in your queries. 

Some data sources support converting your ad spend value into a different currency. See below for data sources that support currency conversion. For data sources that don't support currency conversion, you can use our Custom Fields to convert currencies.

Conversion rates

Supermetrics uses to calculate conversion rates. Review a full list of available currencies and their codes in's documentation.

A query will apply the conversion rate for your data's date or date range based on what the conversion rate was on the day in question. 

  • If you run a query on June 17 for data collected on June 15, the conversion rate for June 15 will be applied to the data in the query.
  • If you run a query on June 17 for date range June 1 – June 15, the conversion rate will be applied for each date within the date range.


Convert currencies using data source fields in your data destination

In some data sources, the cost or ad spend value from the original currency that you have used in the data source can be converted into euros (EUR), British pounds (GBP), or US dollars (USD) in a Supermetrics query.

Data sources that support currency conversion have different labels for currency metrics. For example, if you wanted to convert ad spend to euros, include one of the Euros (EUR) fields in your query. The following data sources support this feature and have the following fields for different currency conversion options.

Data sources with fields that support currency conversion
Data sourceEuros (EUR)
US dollars (USD)

British pounds (GBP)

Other fields

Amazon Ads

Spend (EUR)

Spend (USD)

Spend (GBP)


Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)


Cost (account currency)

Revenue (account currency)

Amazon DSP


  • Supply cost (EUR)

  • Total cost (EUR)


  • Supply cost (EUR)

  • Total cost (EUR)


  • Supply cost (EUR)

  • Total cost (EUR)


  • Supply cost (USD)

  • Total cost (USD)


  • Supply cost (USD)

  • Total cost (USD)


  • Supply cost (USD)

  • Total cost (USD)


  • Supply cost (GBP)

  • Total cost (GBP)


  • Supply cost (GBP)

  • Total cost (GBP)


  • Supply cost (GBP)

  • Total cost (GBP)

Apple Search Ads

Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)

Capterra PPC

Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

This field is in the original currency.

Cost (GBP)

Criteo Retail Media


  • Cost (EUR)

Line item:

  • Cost (EUR)


  • Cost (EUR)

Page type:

  • Cost (EUR)


  • Cost (EUR)


  • Cost (USD)

Line item:

  • Cost (USD)


  • Cost (USD)

Page type:

  • Cost (USD)


  • Cost (USD)


  • Cost (GBP)

Line item:

  • Cost (GBP)


  • Cost (GBP)

Page type:

  • Cost (GBP)


  • Cost (GBP)

Facebook Ads

Amount spent (EUR)

Amount spent (USD)

Amount spent (GBP)

Amount spent (SEK)

Google Ads

Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)

Google AdSense


Estimated earnings (EUR)


Estimated earnings (USD)


Estimated earnings (GBP)


Action cost (EUR)

Total cost (EUR)

Action cost (USD)

Total cost (USD)

Action cost (GBP)

Total cost (GBP)

Kwai Ads

Cost (EUR)


This field is in the original currency.

Cost (GBP)

LinkedIn Ads

Total spent (EUR)

Total spent (USD)

Total spent (GBP)

LinkedIn Revenue Attribution

Revenue won (EUR)

Linkedin ad spend (EUR)

Pipeline amount (EUR)

Revenue won (USD)

Linkedin ad spend (USD)

Pipeline amount (USD)

Revenue won (GBP)

Linkedin ad spend (GBP)

Pipeline amount (GBP)


Advertiser spent (EUR)

Advertiser spent (USD)

This field is the original currency.

Advertiser spent (GBP)

Microsoft Advertising

Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)

Outbrain Amplify

Spend (EUR)

Spend (USD)

Spend (GBP)

Outbrain DSP (Zemanta)

Spend (EUR)

Spend (USD)

Spend (GBP)

Pinterest Ads

Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)

Quora Ads

Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)

Reddit Ads

Amount spent (EUR)

Amount spent

Amount spent (GBP)

Snapchat Marketing

Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)

X Ads (Twitter)

Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)


Spend (EUR)

Spend (USD)

Spend (GBP)

TikTok Ads

Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)


Cost (EUR)

Media cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Media cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)

Media cost (GBP)

Xing Ads

Spend (EUR)

This field is in the original currency.

Spend (USD)

Spend (GBP)


Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)

Yahoo! Japan Display Ads

Cost (EUR)

Cost (USD)

Cost (GBP)

Yahoo! Japan Search Ads


  • Cost (EUR)


  • Cost (EUR)


  • Cost (EUR)


  • Cost (EUR) 


  • Cost (USD)


  • Cost (USD)


  • Cost (USD)


  • Cost (USD)


  • Cost (GBP)


  • Cost (GBP)


  • Cost (GBP)


  • Cost (GBP)


Gross revenue (EUR)

Gross revenue (USD)

This field is in the original currency.

Gross revenue (GBP)

In addition, the following fields in our Salesforce connector use currency conversion.

Salesforce fields with currency conversion
CategoryFieldEUR fieldUSD fieldGBP field


Actual cost

Actual cost (EUR)

Actual cost (USD)

Actual cost (GBP)

Amount all opportunities

Amount all opportunities (EUR)

Amount all opportunities (USD)

Amount all opportunities (GBP)

Amount won opportunities

Amount won opportunities (EUR)

Amount won opportunities (USD)

Amount won opportunities (GBP)

Budgeted cost

Budgeted cost (EUR)

Budgeted cost (USD)

Budgeted cost (GBP)

Expected revenue

Expected revenue (EUR)

Expected revenue (USD)

Expected revenue (GBP)

Total Actual Cost in Hierarchy

Total Actual Cost in Hierarchy (EUR)

Total Actual Cost in Hierarchy (USD)

Total Actual Cost in Hierarchy (GBP)

Total Budgeted Cost in Hierarchy

Total Budgeted Cost in Hierarchy (EUR)

Total Budgeted Cost in Hierarchy (USD)

Total Budgeted Cost in Hierarchy (GBP)

Total Expected Revenue in Hierarchy

Total Expected Revenue in Hierarchy (EUR)

Total Expected Revenue in Hierarchy (USD)

Total Expected Revenue in Hierarchy (GBP)

Total Value Opportunities in Hierarchy

Total Value Opportunities in Hierarchy (EUR)

Total Value Opportunities in Hierarchy (USD)

Total Value Opportunities in Hierarchy (GBP)

Total Value Won Opportunities in Hierarchy

Total Value Won Opportunities in Hierarchy (EUR)

Total Value Won Opportunities in Hierarchy (USD)

Total Value Won Opportunities in Hierarchy (GBP)


Annual revenue

Annual revenue (EUR)

Annual revenue (USD)

Annual revenue (GBP)


Total amount

Total amount (EUR)

Total amount (USD)

Total amount (GBP)

Total tax amount

Total tax amount (EUR)

Total tax amount (USD)

Total tax amount (GBP)

Total adjusted delivery amount with tax

Total adjusted delivery amount with tax (EUR)

Total adjusted delivery amount with tax (USD)

Total adjusted delivery amount with tax (GBP)

Total adjusted product amount with tax

Total adjusted product amount with tax (EUR)

Total adjusted product amount with tax (USD)

Total adjusted product amount with tax (GBP)

Total adjusted delivery amount

Total adjusted delivery amount (EUR)

Total adjusted delivery amount (USD)

Total adjusted delivery amount (GBP)

Total adjusted delivery tax amount

Total adjusted delivery tax amount (EUR)

Total adjusted delivery tax amount (USD)

Total adjusted delivery tax amount (GBP)

Total adjusted product amount

Total adjusted product amount (EUR)

Total adjusted product amount (USD)

Total adjusted product amount (GBP)

Total adjusted product tax amount

Total adjusted product tax amount (EUR)

Total adjusted product tax amount (USD)

Total adjusted product tax amount (GBP)

Grand total amount

Grand total amount (EUR)

Grand total amount (USD)

Grand total amount (GBP)

Total delivery adjustment distributed amounts

Total delivery adjustment distributed amounts (EUR)

Total delivery adjustment distributed amounts (USD)

Total delivery adjustment distributed amounts (GBP)

Total delivery adjustment distributed amounts with tax

Total delivery adjustment distributed amounts with tax (EUR)

Total delivery adjustment distributed amounts with tax (USD)

Total delivery adjustment distributed amounts with tax (GBP)

Total delivery adjustment distributed tax amounts

Total delivery adjustment distributed tax amounts (EUR)

Total delivery adjustment distributed tax amounts (USD)

Total delivery adjustment distributed tax amounts (GBP)

Total product adjustment distributed amounts

Total product adjustment distributed amounts (EUR)

Total product adjustment distributed amounts (USD)

Total product adjustment distributed amounts (GBP)

Total product adjustment distributed amounts with tax

Total product adjustment distributed amounts with tax (EUR)

Total product adjustment distributed amounts with tax (USD)

Total product adjustment distributed amounts with tax (GBP)

Total product adjustment distributed tax amount

Total product adjustment distributed tax amount (EUR)

Total product adjustment distributed tax amount (USD)

Total product adjustment distributed tax amount (GBP)

Order items

Unit price

Unit price (EUR)

Unit price (USD)

Unit price (GBP)

Gross unit price

Gross unit price (EUR)

Gross unit price (USD)

Gross unit price (GBP)

List price

List price (EUR)

List price (USD)

List price (GBP)

Adjusted line amount

Adjusted line amount (EUR)

Adjusted line amount (USD)

Adjusted line amount (GBP)

Adjusted line amount with tax

Adjusted line amount with tax (EUR)

Adjusted line amount with tax (USD)

Adjusted line amount with tax (GBP)

Rounded line amount

Rounded line amount (EUR)

Rounded line amount (USD)

Rounded line amount (GBP)

Rounded line amount with tax

Rounded line amount with tax (EUR)

Rounded line amount with tax (USD)

Rounded line amount with tax (GBP)

Total adjusted line tax amount

Total adjusted line tax amount (EUR)

Total adjusted line tax amount (USD)

Total adjusted line tax amount (GBP)

Total adjustment amount 

Total adjustment amount (EUR)

Total adjustment amount (USD)

Total adjustment amount (GBP)

Total adjustment amount with tax

Total adjustment amount with tax (EUR)

Total adjustment amount with tax (USD)

Total adjustment amount with tax (GBP)

Total adjustment distributed amount

Total adjustment distributed amount (EUR)

Total adjustment distributed amount (USD)

Total adjustment distributed amount (GBP)

Total adjustment distributed tax amount

Total adjustment distributed tax amount (EUR)

Total adjustment distributed tax amount (USD)

Total adjustment distributed tax amount (GBP)

Total adjustment distributed amount with tax

Total adjustment distributed amount with tax (EUR)

Total adjustment distributed amount with tax (USD)

Total adjustment distributed amount with tax (GBP)

Total adjustment tax amount

Total adjustment tax amount (EUR)

Total adjustment tax amount (USD)

Total adjustment tax amount (GBP)

Total amount with tax 

Total amount with tax (EUR)

Total amount with tax (USD)

Total amount with tax (GBP)

Total line adjustment amount

Total line adjustment amount (EUR)

Total line adjustment amount (USD)

Total line adjustment amount (GBP)

Total line adjustment amount with tax

Total line adjustment amount with tax (EUR)

Total line adjustment amount with tax (USD)

Total line adjustment amount with tax (GBP)

Total line adjustment tax amount

Total line adjustment tax amount (EUR)

Total line adjustment tax amount (USD)

Total line adjustment tax amount (GBP)

Total line amount

Total line amount (EUR)

Total line amount (USD)

Total line amount (GBP)

Total line tax amount

Total line tax amount (EUR)

Total line tax amount (USD)

Total line tax amount (GBP)

Total price 

Total price (EUR)

Total price (USD)

Total price (GBP)

Total tax amount 

Total tax amount (EUR)

Total tax amount (USD)

Total tax amount (GBP)

Convert currencies using Custom Fields

For other data sources, currencies and fields that do now support the currency you need, you can use a custom field to convert any monetary metric to a different currency. 

Note that to use Supermetrics Custom Fields, you need a Supermetrics subscription with access to the Custom Fields feature. Custom Fields is part of the Supermetrics Business package, but you can run a limited number of custom fields queries with Growth and Pro subscriptions. Learn more about limited access to transformations or contact us to learn more about the Marketing Intelligence Platform and Business package.

  1. On the Supermetrics Hub, go to TransformCustom fields.
  2. Click New custom field.
  3. Select a metric and click Next.
  4. Select the data source you want to apply a transformation to and click Next. 
  5. Select Function as your transformation type.
  6. Select the Currency conversion function.
  7. Select the value to convert and the exchange rate date. In most cases, the Date field is a good option for the exchange rate date.
  8. Select the currency to convert from and currency to convert to.
    Use static value to select a currency, or the data source field to select the field that has currency value. If the data source supports the Currency dimension, you can use it to dynamically set the currency based on that value. For example, if you have many different Google Ads accounts and some of them return "EUR" and some return "USD" as value, but you're reporting using SGD, you can create a custom field that will dynamically convert EUR to SGD and USD to SGD.
  9. After configuring your function, click Next.
  10. Give a name for your custom field.
  11. Click Create custom field

You can now use your new custom field in your reporting.

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