We've listed below the different limits for historical ranges, API delays, and recommended refresh windows of data available from different data sources.
A standard Supermetrics license supports as much history as each data source allows (data warehouse, cloud storage, and data lake licenses are an exception with an upgradable limit of 2 years).
The refresh window determines how many days of data will be updated every time the data is refreshed. Learn more about refresh windows.
Please note that this list isn't exhaustive. If a data source doesn't have a recommended refresh window, 3 days is a good starting point.
Date range in data blends
If you're using data blending to pull data from multiple data sources, update the query date range to fit the most restrictive date range. You can also use the Return partial data for different maximum historical date ranges setting to fetch partial data for different maximum historical date ranges. You can find this setting in the query options.
Data source | Historical range (HR), API delay, and recommended refresh window where available |
ActiveCampaign | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Ad + Google Analytics Data | HR: Depends on the selected data sources — please see data source-specific historical ranges. |
Adform | HR: Last 397 days of data |
Adjust | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Adobe Analytics | HR: Lifetime, but Adobe best practice is to pull historical data by incrementing it regularly instead of requesting the entire data set at once. |
Adobe Analytics 2.0 | HR: Lifetime, but Adobe best practice is to pull historical data by incrementing it regularly instead of requesting the entire data set at once. |
Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
AdRoll | HR: The AdRoll API doesn't provide data older than 2012-01-01. |
Adtraction | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 3 days |
Affluent | HR: Account lifetime Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Ahrefs | HR: Up to last 5 years |
Amazon Ads | HR: Last 60 days of data Refresh window: 3 days, as click verification may take that long. API delay: 12 hours for most metrics, up to 48 hours for sales-related conversions and derived metrics (ACOS, ROAS) |
Amazon DSP | HR: 90 days Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Amazon Seller Central | HR: 2 years Refresh window: 2 days |
Apple Search Ads | HR:
Appsflyer | HR: 90 days for Event export data Refresh window: 2 days |
Awin | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2 days |
Bambuser | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Basis | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
BigCommerce | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
BigQuery | HR: Depends on data in the data warehouse. |
Bing Webmaster Tools | HR: The longest available dataset period is 6 months. |
Branch | HR: Data available since 2017-10-14. |
Brevo | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
CallRail | HR: Account lifetime |
Campaign Monitor | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Capterra PPC | HR: No known limitations |
Capterra Reviews | HR: Returns max 250 most recent reviews. Refresh window: 1 day |
Celtra | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
CJ Affiliate (Commission Junction) | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Clockify | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Criteo | HR: Last 2 years. |
Criteo Retail Media | HR: The report date window has a max of 100 days; data is retained for up to 3 years. Refresh window: 5 days |
Database (Google Apps Script) | HR: Historical limits will be based on what data is available in the database. |
DoubleVerify | HR: No known limitations API delay: Depending on the query type:
Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Everflow | HR: Site lifetime Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Facebook Ads | HR: The Facebook Ads API doesn't provide:
Refresh window: Set to the maximum of your attribution windows on the platform. |
Facebook Billing Data | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Facebook Insights | HR: Though it doesn't appear to be recorded anywhere, organic reach values are not tracked before October 2017 (and maybe sooner, it could be a rolling window). Insights only retains last 2 years of data, older data is subject to removal. API delay: 0-4 days Refresh window: 5 days |
Facebook Public Data | HR: Due to the post feed limitation in the Graph API, it will return approximately 600 ranked, published posts per year. |
Flashtalking | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
G2 Reviews | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Glassdoor Reviews | HR: 250 latest reviews for a company. Refresh window: 1 day |
Google Ad Manager | HR: Up to 3 years of data |
Google AdSense | HR: Last 3 years |
Google Ads | HR: No known limitations, assumed to be account lifetime. Refresh window: Set to the maximum of your attribution windows on the platform. |
Google Analytics | HR: For most data, there is no limit after 2005-01-01. |
Google Analytics 4 | HR: User-level data, including conversions, is deleted after 14 months, and age, gender, and interest data after 2 months. For all other event data, you may choose the length of retention to be 2 or 14 months. Read more. Refresh window: Set to 9 days to allow for modelled conversions to be finalized. |
Google Campaign Manager 360 | HR: 2 years for most data; 60 days for Floodlight reports, Multi-channel Funnel reports, and Path to conversion reports. 31 days for keyword data. API delay: 1 day Refresh window: 3 days |
Google Display & Video 360 | Default: Last 2 years of data Floodlight report: Last 2 months of data |
Google Merchant Center | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Google My Business | HR: Last 18 months of data.
API delay: 2 days Refresh window: 4 days |
Google Play Console | Refresh window: 1 day |
Google Search Ads 360 | HR: Data available from January 1, 2019. |
Google Search Console | HR: Last 16 months of data API delay: 2 days Refresh window: 4 days |
Google Sheets | HR: No known limitations. |
Google Trends | HR: Returns data from 2004 onwards and only the last 31 days for Daily Trends. |
Harvest | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Hotjar | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
HubSpot | HR: Account lifetime. |
Ignite | HR: Data available since 2018-08-01 for residential listings and since 2020-08-26 for commercial listings. |
Impact | HR: 366 days at a time Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Indeed Reviews | HR: 200 latest reviews for a company Refresh window: 1 day |
Instagram Insights | HR: Stories disappear after 24 hours. Metrics data is stored for up to 2 years. Media endpoint gets a maximum of 10,000 of the most recently created objects. API delay: 0-4 days Refresh window: 5 days |
Instagram Public Data | HR: Profile posts up to 2 years old; Stories disappear from results after 24 hours. Post Search fetches posts published in the last 24 hours, to a maximum of 250 posts. |
Integral Ad Science | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
IQM | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
JSON/CSV/XML | HR: Historical limits depend on the API/web service you are connecting to. Please check the documentation for the source system. |
Kwai Ads | HR: Historical data is supported starting from the time the account first generates exposure. Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Lazada Commerce | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
LINE Ads | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
LinkedIn Ads | HR: Non-demographic data available for the last 10 years. Daily demographic-based analytics available for the last 6 months, and all other granularities for 2 years. Refresh window: Set to the maximum of your attribution windows on the platform. |
LinkedIn Company Pages | HR: Share statistics and follower statistics for up to 12 months. Note that some page metrics are lifetime totals. API delay: 2 days for post |
LinkedIn Revenue Attribution | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
LiveIntent | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 3 days |
Mailchimp | HR: No known limitations, assumed to be account lifetime |
Marketo | API delay: 1 day Refresh window: 3 days |
Matomo | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Microsoft Advertising | HR: Max 3 years of data, but depends on the report type. More information in Microsoft Advertising API docs. Refresh window: Set to the maximum of your attribution windows on the platform. |
MixPanel | HR: No known limitations |
Moz | HR: No historical data is available in the API. All data is current-state. |
Newsletter2Go | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Nexxen DSP | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings | Refresh window: 2 days (lifetime data) |
Omnisend | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Optimizely | HR: Project lifetime |
Outbrain Amplify | HR: Account lifetime |
Outbrain DSP (Zemanta) | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Pardot | HR: Earliest start date is 1999-02-01 |
PayPal | HR: Account lifetime |
Piano Analytics (AT Internet) | HR: Data available from 2017-01-01 or site lifetime Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Pinterest Ads | HR: UI reporting only allows up to the past 25 months of data, in some cases can be up to a year before the current date. API allows 30 months of data for non-hourly breakdowns. Refresh window: Set to the maximum of your attribution windows on the platform. |
Pinterest Organic | HR: Cannot be more than 90 days back from today. |
Pinterest Public Data | HR: Only reports lifetime metrics. Can only get 50 pins per user. |
Pipedrive | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 1 day |
Piwik PRO | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Prisjakt | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 1 day |
Quantcast | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Quora Ads | HR: Quora Ads has a limit of 2000 requests per hour. Learn more in Quora's documentation. Refresh window: Set to the maximum of your attribution windows on the platform. |
Rakuten Advertising | HR: The API is limited to the last 4 years. The reporting UI is limited to the last 3 years. Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Readpeak | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Reddit Ads | HR: 6 months of campaign data |
RTB House | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Salesforce | HR: No known limitations |
Semrush Analytics | HR: Can pull data from US databases from 2012 forward, other locations' historical range may be less. Users can pull current data (today), and some report types allow for pulling from past months — please note that this costs more credits. |
Semrush Projects | HR: Can pull data from US databases from 2012 forward, other locations' historical range may be less. Users can pull current data (today), and some report types allow for pulling from past months — please note that this costs more credits. |
Shopify | HR: Lifetime of the store Shopify data is imported once per day per store, so this may introduce data delays |
Similarweb | HR: 31 days for the App data report. Until the latest completed month for the Traffic source report. Refresh window: 1 day |
Slack | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 1 day |
Smarp | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Snapchat Marketing | HR: No known limitations API delay: 2 days Refresh window: 4 days |
Snowflake | HR: Historical limits will be based on what data is available in the data warehouse. |
Spotify Ads | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Sprout Social | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 1 day |
StackAdapt | HR: No known limitations, assumed to be account lifetime. |
Stripe | HR: No known limitations, assumed to be account lifetime. |
Taboola | HR: No known limitations, assumed to be account lifetime. |
Teads | HR: Reporting data is available from January 2020 onwards. Refresh window: 2-3 days |
The Trade Desk | HR: API can only pull data created on or after June 20, 2017. Supermetrics supports the last 180 days from the first client login. For example, if you connect The Trade Desk to Supermetrics for the first time on January 1, 2022, the oldest date you can pull data from is 180 days before that. This will stay the same for as long as you use this connector. |
TikTok Ads | HR: Account lifetime API delay: Spend-related metrics have a latency of 48 hours. Learn more about data latency in TikTok Ads' documentation. |
TikTok Organic | HR: Last 60 days Refresh window: 3-4 days |
Tradedoubler | HR: 730 days Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Tripadvisor Reviews | HR: 100 latest reviews for the selected location Refresh window: 1 day |
Tumblr Public Data | HR: Only fetches current state of blog. No historical data other than retrieving older posts. |
Vimeo Public Data | HR: No known limitations |
VKontakte Public Data | HR: Only fetches current state of board/user/etc. No historical data is available. |
WooCommerce | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
X Ads (Twitter) | HR: Account lifetime, though 30-day fetches are recommended. API delay: 2 days Refresh window: Set to the maximum of your attribution windows on the platform. |
X Organic (Twitter) | HR: Up to last 90 days for Tweet engagement Refresh window: 7-8 days |
Xandr | HR: 45 days for Geo & Domain level reporting |
Xing Ads | HR: For lifetime values data is available from 2019-04-16. Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Yahoo DSP | HR: Can fetch data up to 2 years; data older than that is purged and cannot be requested. |
Yahoo! Japan Search Ads | HR: 37 months Refresh window: 5 days |
Yahoo! Japan Display Ads | HR: 37 months Refresh window: 5 days |
Yandex.Direct | HR: Statistics are available for the last 3 years. |
Yandex.Metrica | HR: No known limitations |
Yelp Reviews | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Yext | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
YouTube | HR: No known limitations, should fetch from the beginning of the account's lifetime. Note that some query types, such as Videos Performance, only fetch the last 1000 videos published. |
YouTube Public Data | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |
Zoho CRM | HR: No known limitations Refresh window: 2-3 days |